Mon - Fri | 9.00 am - 5.00 pm

Central European Summer Time




    Eisenacher Straße, 8
    99986 Vogtei OT Langula


    +49 (0)3601 80 68 88 70

    AI-Based Customer Support is currently developing an AI-based customer support.

    Nowadays users are used to get their online tasks fulfilled nearly in real-time. You can book your holiday trip, order food, buy and pay tickets for cinema or just download a video on demand and most parts of these processes are fully automated.

    Support agents are expensive and need some time to process the customer requests. Our target is to handle 50% of all support communications without engaging a real support agent.

    This is done by collecting huge amounts of data and process them with powerful computing systems and the help of machine learning algorithms.

    If the software does not find a suitable answer for the customer request or the customer is dissatisfied with the answer determined by the algorithm, the request is forwarded to a human support agent. After this, our system learns from the answer and gets even smarter.